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Littoral Governor Blames Violence, Vandalism On Political Manipulation

The Governor of the Littoral Region, Samuel Ivaha Diboua, has stated that the spread of fake news, the perpetration of violence and vandalism in the city of Douala is outright manipulation for political ends. According to the Governor, it is a move by hawkers of fake news aimed at disturbing the tranquility of the population.

The information is contained in a press release issued by the Governor Ivaha Diboua at the end of a crisis meeting he chaired in Douala on December 14 following the spread of fake news that an armed group calling itself "Microbes" were arriving to attack neighbourhoods in the city.

Ivaha Diboua stated in the release No 378/RPR/C/SP of December 14, 2022 that "the city of Douala has for the past 48 hours witnessed acts of violence and vandalism perpetrated by trouble makers whose ugly goal is to cause a popular uprising with the intension of jeopardizing the stability of the population and its institution.

"The incident at the Makea neighbourhood in the Douala II Subdivision opposing the forces of law and order and a group of drug dealers which led to the death of Nasser Arafat Tanko was followed by attempted acts of sabotage at the Laquintinie Hospital by a group of irate youths. The situation was brought under control by security forces which facilitated the peaceful burial of the deceased in conformity with the Muslim tradition."

Conversely the governor said the events of December 13, 2022 have proven to be an outright manipulation for political ends by hawkers of fake news aiming at disturbing the tranquility of the population.

"At about 6pm on the above mentioned date, a group of motorcycle taxi riders on high speed rode past certain roundabouts spreading fear about the imminent arrival of a notorious gang referred to as 'Microbes'. The release read in parts.

"A security device was instantly put in place at the end of which no gang was found. It appeared to be a planned act on social media to instill fear in the population of the Littoral Region, particularly in the city of Douala," the governor furthered.

He noted the moral and mental re-armament of the population is imperative. However, a number of conservatory measures have been taken to puncture any further possible disturbances. These are the prohibition of bikes from circulating in the city of Douala from 8pm to 6am till further notice; closure of off-lincences, bars and game centres in certain neighbourhoods; systematic arrest of persons spreading fake news and a ban on carrying of machetes, knives and other sharp objects. Defaulters of these or accomplices will be arrested and transferred to the competent judicial authorities.

Governor Ivaha Diboua is thus counting on the usual collaboration and understanding of the population regarding the strict application and implementation of the measures.

SA'AH SIONA IKEI, The Post Newspaper

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