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Issues At Stake: Dancing To The Service Of The Stomach

Only Johnny-Just-Comes (JJCs) of the Cameroonian polity will be appalled that senators rolled out the drums recently to celebrate their appointment and elections. Again, only dunces and simpletons of our “soapboxism” surprised by even the so called elected senators who say their entry into the Upper House of Parliament is a favour from the central committee and politburo deities.

Dear reader, your guess as to where the loyalty of these “representatives of the people” belongs is as good as mine. For the euphoria that enveloped the elected and appointed parliamentarians is not borne out of the zeal to serve the people. They are motivated more by expediency than the principles of public service. They pledge unflinching loyalty to the infallible deity whose favour they got and remain in service for their stomachs. The people can go to hell!

After all, the central committee is the people and the people is the central committee according to the figment of their imagination. The MPs spend the time proselytizing the gospel according to Grand Camarade. They don't care a damn about the lack of legitimacy of their political existence. The "chopping" arrangement usually luxuriates with so much convenience when the concepts of ideological monolithism hold sway.

Our parliamentarians, more often, show gratitude to the god who decreed their political existence by way of bombastic encomia. They are famed more for the cliché-stricken I thank the Head of State” than expressing gratitude to the people who supposedly elected them. That is why the masses have been so callously weaned away from the ideal that MPs are their representatives. The authorities rape of republican values make it clear that the three state powers, the executive, the legislature and the judiciary are so obsessed with protecting the ruling class than doing any business for the general interest.

This is no surprise for this is a system that runs a clientelism and patronage just to ensure that no alien ideologue joins them in the think-same and act-same fraternity. The people are slaves and must be hunched with heavy taxes so that the ruling class can conveniently and continuously live in their opulent awulf-eating.

It could be part of the diplomatic duality and reciprocity of give and take, but the ordinary Cameroonian who is living in misery, want and deprivation can never come to terms with the fact that a huge sum of FCFA 600 million has been given to a country that is waxing louder in affluence. For that country is no longer the sick man of Europe as it was often referred to in history. So, how could we take little drops of water from the oasis to an ocean as many are screaming and dying of thirst in the desert? It is true that there was an earthquake in that country that made so many victims. But taking a huge amount of the hard-earned tax payers money to people who are well-to-do, could only be an act of false charity. Time charity is when you give to the needy without making any publicity about it.

False charity is often lavishly manifested when the budget allocated for publicity is far more than what has been offered in terms of help. Who does not know that the needy are the Cameroonian people as compared to the victims of that earthquake in that blessed European country? For Cameroonians barely exist in penury of sorts. They grapple with all forms of poverty, including lack of good roads, healthcare, portable water and schools.

So what do we intend to gain by letting our charity begin abroad? Even when we rape the treasury and leave it bleeding profusely, we make sure that our investments begin in foreign banks. We build foreign economies and allow our country and its citizens to wallow in misery just because of greed.

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