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Creators Trained, Children Placed At Limelight Of Arts And Cultural Festival

PHOTO: Cross-section of participants at the workshop

The second edition of the Sunrise Arts and Cultural Festival (SACFEST) ended in Bamenda after three days of pre-festival workshops on the themes of peace education, advocacy against gender based violence (GBV), sickle cell anemia awareness and child protection.

Workshop participants included budding poets, writers, film makers and a cross section of other creative people from across the North West region. The festival was jointly organised by Divine Progress Films for Africa (DIPFA Entertainment) and community organisation; Citizens Outreach Cameroon (COC).

According to main promoter and the brain behind the festival film maker/photo journalist, Tikum Titus Akuro, the workshops were warm up pre-festival preparatory activities towards the grand festival itself scheduled in Bamenda at the Alliance Française Veterinary junction Bamenda.

The workshop aimed at creating art content with focus on childrens entertainment and education, which according to the organizer is short of supply in Cameroon and elsewhere in Africa. From our need-based assessment, we discovered that films that focus on childrens entertainment and education done in Cameroon are short of supply said Mr. Tikum Titus Akuro, explaining that it was reason for organizing the workshops.

PHOTO: Cross-section of participants at the workshop

In the words of the organizer, this edition of the yearly festival which serves as a platform for arts and cultural practitioners of the North West region to showcase their creativeness is a special one because unlike in 2022, more children were given the opportunity to participate and showcase their own creative power and like the former edition, persons with disabilities were prominently involved.

Akuro continued; "Last year we launched the festival and the participants produced 5 special short films and other forms of arts that are currently being used by many in creating impact in the communities. We want to thank the United Nations Development Program-UNDP, Alliance Française Bamenda and others who believe in this impact creating vision and are accompanying us".

He further added that the SACFEST mission besides promoting arts and culture, is a vision that is fully engaged in building a new generation of artists, community volunteers who are committed to bring change in the society through what he calls "special arts content creations for awareness and sensitization of the population" on peace education, gender based violence (GBV), sickle cell anemia, child protection/entertainment, etc.

Fri Melanie a participant confirmed; I have learned so much from regarding Peace Education and advocacy against gender based violence. It has greatly empowered me and I now have great knowledge and skills on how to work for peace and advocacy."

PHOTO: Cross-section of participants at the workshop

Another participant Fongan Zitany Mbah said; the workshops were fascinating. The teachings about sickle cell anemia and gender based violence awareness were eye opening. I am a testimony to that and my filmmaking perspective has changed to start doing films that will have a direct impact in the community.

The workshops were facilitated by David Ayem (reproductive health expert), Mbu Phalon Sagang (GBV case worker/clinical social worker), Zeresh Njang (child protection case worker/gender activist, Anurin Nwunembom (expert filmmaker/Acting coach), Vugar Samson (Acting coach/children entertainment trainer), Fombeh Hedwick (mental health specialist) and many others.

The Sunrise Arts and cultural festival will continue to hold annually with the main idea to identify, nurture and promote new and established film makers, poets, directors and others in the creative industries.

Sa'ah Siona Ikei, The Post Newspaper

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