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Commonwealth Entreprise and investment regional hub for Cameroon - Gabon launched

Bama Etienne Commissioned as pioneer country director

The Commonwealth Enterprise and Investment Council Regional Hub for Cameroon and Gabon has been put on motion. The launching ceremony which took place on 11th April 2023, at the Hilton Hotel, in Yaounde, also witnessed the commissioning of the Mr Cham Etienne Bama as it’s Country Director. He is Cameroonian and hails from Weh in the North West Region.

The Prime Minister, Joseph Dion Ngute at the opening ceremony expressed the hope that the trade hubs would be fully operational and will open the way for an influx of investments from businesses in commonwealth countries to Cameroon.

"In view of Cameroon's national strategy 2020-2030 and other priorities including the establishment of special economic zones, the Cameroon - Gabon trade hub will support key ambitions including the diversification of trade partners and access to markets especially amongst the most buoyant Commonwealth economies. At the creation of this regional hub for Cameroon and Gabon straddles national, sub regional, regional Commonwealth and global trade groups" he said.

The PM said the putting in place of the hub will strengthen the country’s economy that was battered by the Ukraine war and the COVID 19 epidemic. The hub will also accelerate the made-in-Cameroon brand.

To the chairperson of the Commonwealth enterprise and investment council, Lord Jonathan Peter Marland, the setting up of the trade hub for Cameroon and Gabon is the transmission is proof that Cameroon wants to broaden her trade and investment scope and create wealth.

"… that is why Commonwealth Enterprise Investment Council is here to support in our own small way, the great activities of your ministries, the great activities of your business people who gathered in this room today”, said the chairman of the CCEIC, Lord Marland. His organisation he said strongly believes in supporting trade between nations.

Several agreements were signed between the CCEIC and some institutions including Dashaco Holdings, Camwater and a law firm. Bony Dashaco signed for his organisation and spoke to the press shortly after. To him, this latest development is a juicy opportunity for the Central African sub region particularly, to gain from.

"The Central African region is key. Cameroon is the life wire of the Central African region which means that if Cameroon sneezes the entire region catches cold”, he said. “So making the head office of the hub here creates enormous opportunity for Cameroonians and by extension Gabonese and the other members of the Central African region. It's a huge opportunity and in the process we are going to do business and then make money" he added.

Consisting of a global network of 56 countries, a well-established trading relationships with partners that share a common language, democratic principles and rule of law, the commonwealth represents 40% of the global workforce.

Cameroon joined the CCEIC five years ago.

Sa'ah Siona Ikei, The Post Newspaper

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